Comment 11 for bug 940339

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Данило Шеган (danilo) wrote :

The thing that fails is

linaro_image_tools.cmd_runner.SubcommandNonZeroReturnValue: Sub process "['mkfs.ext4', '/dev/mmcblk0p2', '-L', 'rootfs']" returned a non-zero value: 1

This gives you the command to try out:

  "mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p2 -L rootfs"

It's very likely that the l-m-c is too fast for the cards (i.e. partition table has not been re-read by the OS or something like that: the first one succeeds because it creates a VFAT filesystem in the "old", factory-provided partition table).

It would be good to:
 1. get mkfs.vfat to use the "-v" option so we can perhaps see what size of the FS it is creating
 2. get mkfs.ext4 to use "-v" (verbose) option to see if we can get more than just error code (which is 1) out of it.
 3. get an output of "fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0" as soon as mkfs.ext4 fails

We do need to rely on your input for this, because we can't reproduce the problem and you can :)