Comment 1 for bug 894270

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Guilherme Salgado (salgado) wrote :

This fails because Offspring expects to find at least one file matching 'images/*/*.manifest' under the build's directory, as we can see on the snippet below:

            base_manifestPath = glob.glob(base_build.result_directory + '/images/*/*.manifest')[0]
            target_manifestPath = glob.glob(target_build.result_directory + '/images/*/*.manifest')[0]
            return rc.NOT_HERE

However, for hwpack builds the manifest file ends in .txt, so the code above doesn't match anything and we get a KeyError. Similarly, for the rootfs builds, it won't work because there doesn't seem to be a manifest at all.

Unless there's a good reason for having the hwpack manifest end in .txt, I think we should just change linaro-hwpack-create to drop the .txt from it.