Comment 1 for bug 1322522

Revision history for this message
Milosz Wasilewski (mwasilew) wrote :

After the short investigation it seems there are 2 entries in UEFI menu that were not there before:

So LAVA boots from the NOR flash instead of the TESTBOOT partition:

 [1] Firmware Volume (4068 MB)
 [2] Firmware Volume (4068 MB)
 [3] NOR Flash (63 MB)
 [4] boot (99 MB)
 [5] TESTBOOT (99 MB)
 [6] SDCARD (2043 MB)
 [7] VenHw(E7223039-5836-41E1-B542-D7EC736C5E59)
 [8] VenHw(02118005-9DA7-443A-92D5-781F022AEDBB)
 [9] PXE on MAC Address: 00:02:F7:00:57:DF
 [10] TFTP on MAC Address: 00:02:F7:00:57:DF
 Select the Boot Device: 3
 File path of the EFI Application or the kernel: Image
 Has FDT support? [y/n] y
 Add an initrd: [y/n] n
 Arguments to pass to the binary: console=ttyAMA0,115200 earlyprintk=pl011,0x7ff80000 root=/dev/sda5 rootwait verbose debug
 Description for this new Entry: LAVA OE Test Image