Comment 10 for bug 1231266

Revision history for this message
Milo Casagrande (milo) wrote :

As requested by Vishal, posting my question here to summarize it all: what is actually needed to fix this?

Is the call to dd (with those parameter as in comment #8) sufficient? lamc already calls "dd" on the device passed: the only parameter that might be missing is the "count=2000", since that is not hardcoded in lamc, but found in the config file (or Android hwpack file).

The command run, is this:

cmd = ["dd", "if=%s" % input_file, "of=%s" % output_file, "bs=%s" % block_size, "conv=notrunc"]

- input_file is /dev/zero
- output_file is the device passed on the command line
- block_size is 512

If the count parameter is defined in the config file, it will be added to the above command. The variable that defines the count parameter is called samsung_env_len.