Comment 1 for bug 1104753

Revision history for this message
Tixy (Jon Medhurst) (tixy) wrote :

The attached log snippet in the original report shows kernel bug in the LAVA Master Image but this didn't prevent the board from rebooting and is not the cause of the test failure.

Looking at the full logs at:
I see:

[3] LAVA Android Test Image
 - VenHw(09831032-6FA3-4484-AF4F-0A000A8D3A82)/HD(3,MBR,0x00000000,0x200000,0x20000)/uImage
 - Initrd: VenHw(09831032-6FA3-4484-AF4F-0A000A8D3A82)/HD(3,MBR,0x00000000,0x200000,0x20000)/uInitrd
 - Arguments: console=tty0 console=ttyAMA0,38400n8 rootwait ro init=/init androidboot.console=ttyAMA0
 - FDT: VenHw(09831032-6FA3-4484-AF4F-0A000A8D3A82)/HD(3,MBR,0x00000000,0x200000,0x20000)/v2p-ca15-tc2.dtb
 - LoaderType: Linux kernel with Local FDT
Global FDT Config
 - VenHw(1F15DA3C-37FF-4070-B471-BB4AF12A724A)/MemoryMapped(0x0,0xE800000,0xE803000)
[a] Boot Manager
[b] Shell
Start: 3
ERROR: Did not find Device Tree blob.

So the tests failed because of a missing DTB, And looging in the boot.tar.bz2 file for the image it was trying to test ( I see that the device-tree has a different name than expected, namely 'vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc2.dtb'.

I therefore suspect that the test image was not produce by the normal vexpress which renames the device-tree.

I don't see that this is a bug with the ARM LT kernel or the standard vexpress Android config, so I'll mark this bug as invalid for the ARM LT.