Comment 86 for bug 633352

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In , Tom Louwrier (tom-louwrier) wrote :

Only started to get updates on this bug a couple of days ago. (??).
As suggested in comment #24 is was indeed using Lightning 1.9 on Ubuntu 12.04 / 64amd.
I got a compatible version of 1.9.1 from somewhere (not in the repositories) and installed it locally. That did solved my issue with the offline calendars and sticking reminders.
Server is a Ubuntu 12.10 with Sogo 2.x (running nightlies).

BTW: 1.9 is still in all repositories for Ubuntu including the most current production (13.04) and development branches, it seems no-one has pushed 1.9.1 there and many users may still be fighting this issue unnecessarily.

Thanx for fixing this.
