Comment 5 for bug 851347

Revision history for this message
renbag (renbag) wrote :

With regard to Bug #856269 , which is marked as duplicate of this one, I have found that when the password of a domain user is expired, lightdm still does not present the correct steps to change the password.
Here is what happens (lightdm messages are inside ""):

1 - "" --> ******** (first enter expired password);
2 - "(current) NT password" --> ******** (expired password)
3 - "Retype new NT password" --> ******** (new password)
4 - "Invalid password, please try again"

There is a step missing between 2 and 3, and it should be "Enter new NT password".
Also lightdm should display, before step 2, a message saying that the password is expired and need to be changed.

Using su in a text console to login, the correct password changing dialog is presented:

renzo@vmo-amb20:~$ su rbag
You need to change your password now
Changing password for rbag
(current) NT password:
Enter new NT password:
Retype new NT password:

Should I report a new bug?