Comment 4 for bug 1311933

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Rene Herman (rene.herman) wrote :

Arch indeed. Just browsed around a bit to try and see if there would be an agreed-upon Arch way to set a default session type (i.e., symlinking /usr/share/xsessions/default to some actually present /usr/share/xessions/session.desktop file, supposedly) but as far as I can see, it is not expected that one should need to do this.

It's also fixed by setting f.e. user-session=mate in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf:SeatDefaults. Should I go edit some Arch Wiki page to recommend such or will this indeed be fixed/worked-around lightdm-side? It seems the consistent way to handle this (in the gtk2-greeter at least; don't know if the other greeters show the same behavior) would be to mimic the logic of when the ~session indicator is shown, whether or not it in fact is...