Comment 0 for bug 1201300

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Tarun Chabarwal (tarunchabarwal) wrote :

I'm using php with memcached 2.1, libmemcached 1.0.16 and memcache server 1.4

I wrote the following script, which results in some key persistance

class mem{
        public $mem = null;
        public static $x = 0;

        public function __construct()
                $this->mem = new Memcached();
                $op = $this->mem->add("key_".self::$x, "test");
        public function __destruct()
                $op = $this->mem->delete("key_".self::$x);
                $this->mem = null;
$v = new mem();

When this script runs, I found that 5-10 keys were not being deleted and when i run the same script with memcached 2.0, libmemcached 0.48, keeping the same memcache server every key is deleted

I watched the memcached library code but didn't find much difference. I think it has to do some with libmemcached....

Please give me some explanation for this behavior