Comment 0 for bug 1665242

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Kota Tsuyuzaki (tsuyuzaki-kota) wrote : Reconstruction with liberasurecode_rs_vand get memory leak

liberasurecode_reconstruct function with liberasurecode_rs_vand (built-in backend) can leak the allocated memory when trying to reconstruct *parity* fragment.

That was found when we checking all memory leak in the test code at
And this is affected also pyeclib and the users (OpenStack Swift is an user of the library)

I confirmed the leak can be reproduced at (at least) PyECLib layer [1] so that object-reconstructor of OpenStack Swift can be affected the leak.

Note that this leak caused at the liberasurecode layer so what both pyeclib and Swift users can do is just upgrading your *liberasurecode* after the fix get merged.
