Comment 17 for bug 673302

Revision history for this message
Miguel Rodríguez (migrax) wrote :

Ok. I don't have access to a natty box right now, but this is what I've done to reproduce the problem:

a) Launch the alpha-3 natty live-cd inside Virtualbox (with plenty of RAM)
b) Open a terminal and install both emacs and auctex (sudo apt-get install emacs auctex)
c) Launch emacs and open a new Latex file.

Expected results:
Three new menus should show: Preview, Latex and Command

None of the three new menus appeared.

Extra info:
If I remove the menubar from the panel and repeat the procedure, the three menus appear inside the emacs window menubar, but they are empty (they should not). Maybe this is the root of the bug.

Hope this helps.