Comment 0 for bug 995375

Revision history for this message
Geza Kovacs (gezakovacs) wrote :

I've developed a system for providing a screenshot to translators to illustrate the context in which a message is used in the program, and wanted to help integrate it into Launchpad if there was any interest in such a feature. Basically, the way it would work is, the developer can upload some screenshots in addition to the message template file, and they would automatically be matched to messages, so that when the translator is translating a message, a screenshot will be shown. If interested in the details, I've published a paper on it in CHI 2012 ( )

In terms of code, the prototype implementation I used for the paper, which works with gettext message files, is MIT-licensed, and is written in Java, is at . I realize Java isn't very popular in the FOSS world, and my codebase isn't well-documented, so I can clean up and rewrite it into C and write documentation if needed. I was primarily interested if there was any interest in integrating such a feature into Launchpad, and if yes, how I could help do so.