Comment 1 for bug 919681

Revision history for this message
Gary Poster (gary) wrote :

I suggest that this is Won't Fix.

The only way we can know if the "May be notified" people will receive a notification is to see what change you make. If you change a tag that someone is following, or change a status that someone is filtering on, or do any number of other changes, *then* (of course) we can determine retroactively who should find out. We can't determine who will be notified because we can't predict the future.

Options to address this that I see fitting in with the necessary constraints are two:

- Remove the "May be notified" listing entirely. My memory is that user tests showed that it was appreciated, so I don't advise this option.

- Consider enabling a "whom did I notify" functionality, that gave you information after you performed a task. We talked about this when making the associated changes. It has technical problems--we calculate the full set of people who are notified asynchronously--and, to our minds, very limited value.