Comment 0 for bug 898227

Revision history for this message
Leo Iannacone (l3on) wrote : Email attachments are corrupted when last line is '\n'. Replaced by blank space.

Send an attachment by email in reply to some bug in Launchpad.

Attachment should be formed ending up with a '\n' (new line), for example:

=== START ===
Hello world!

=== EOF ===

When you'll see it in LP, the last line '\n' will be replaced by '' and file will be:
=== START ===
Hello world!
=== EOF ===

In "diff words", let "<" be the LP version and ">" is the Original one:
< +
\ No newline at end of file
> +

This problem appears only when I use gmail to send my files, it does not occur using LP directly.

Anyway, I consider it very annoying, specially when your upload are patches, they will corrupted and you won't be able to apply them.

I'll prove it in the next messages.