Comment 1 for bug 85234

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

The registrant is not "the group people should join to contribute to products"; it's either the individual person who registered the product in Launchpad, or a person or team that that Launchpad record has been entrusted to. Small products will likely retain an individual as their registrant, while large products will likely have as registrant a team containing a very small subset of its contributors. As such, the registrant is quite unimportant information, so having it in a box that is collapsed by default is reasonable.

It's true that Launchpad doesn't offer an explicit field for "how to get involved" (e.g. "subscribe to XYZ mailing list"), but that's something that should be addressed in the product's description (e.g. bug 76016). Possibly we should provide a hint under the Description field that people should use it for that purpose.