Comment 5 for bug 835407

Revision history for this message
Deryck Hodge (deryck) wrote : Re: debian bug mail does not appear on ppa mailing lists

So it took me some time to work out what was happening. The issue is that people send mail to the Debian bug tracker and if we know about the sender in Launchpad we will allow the mail through to a mailing list for moderation, when the mailing list is a contact for the Debian bug tracker. When we don't know about the sender in LP we discard the email. This has always worked this way, and it's really just luck of the sender that email got through to doko's list before.

barry confirmed this on IRC with:

barry> if the email is from an address that is not validated with launchpad, the message is summarily discarded. if the address is validated, but the person is not a member of the team, the message is held for approval (iirc, on the +moderate page or somesuch). once such a message is approved for the list, all subsequent postings by that address will be allowed. if they get three such approvals launchpad-wide, then they can post to any list
<barry> without being held

So I don't think this is a bug. But I recognize that this is not optimal for people wishing to use Launchpad mailing lists as contact addresses in the Debian bug tracker. I'm not sure if we want to change this, but will preserve the bug to track the issue.