Comment 6 for bug 828914

Revision history for this message
William Grant (wgrant) wrote :

22:17:21 <wgrant> So, ViewBuildFarmJobOld is buggy.
22:18:08 <wgrant> _getBuild can return an IBinaryPackageBuild or an ISourcePackageRecipeBuild. But it then passes that build into _checkBuildPermission,
                  which calls ViewBinaryPackageBuild on the build.
22:18:28 <wgrant> In this case it's a SourcePackageRecipeBuild, so ViewBinaryPackageBuild doesn't cope very well.

This bug isn't normally exposed, since ViewBinaryPackageBuild short-circuits if the user is a member of the owning team, and that works fine for SPRBs too. But in this case Rex is trying to request a build into an ~oem-archive PPA, where he isn't the owner but does have upload rights via a custom ArchivePermission. The ownership short-circuit isn't used, and we end up trying to retrieve a SourcePackageRelease from an SPRB.

So, to reproduce: create a private PPA, add an ArchivePermission for yourself, change the owner to a team of which you are not a member, and try to build a recipe into it.