Comment 7 for bug 825837

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Bugzilla required (I don't know whether it still requires) a comment when closing a report. A common result -- it's happened 3959 times so far, in Mozilla's Bugzilla -- has been someone resolving a bug with "." as the entire comment. (I suggested imposing a minimum length on the comment, but that was rightly seen as worsening an annoyance.)

The main interface for changing a bug's status is now the direct-manipulation interface -- click the old status, then click the new status in the menu, and you're done. It is miles away from the comment form. So introducing the requirement to comment would require some design work. One case to consider would be where you comment to explain why you're resolving the report, but forget to actually mark it resolved, and then resolve it properly 30 or 40 minutes later. How would Launchpad tell that you didn't need to add another comment?