Comment 9 for bug 817398

Revision history for this message
Данило Шеган (danilo) wrote :

So, everything up to build job execution is fine: build-master picks them up correctly, but usually less then 3 minutes later, a PACKAGEFAIL error is returned (well, all but 1 job in October failed with PACKAGEFAIL; that one failed with CHROOTFAIL instead). Something's going fishy on the slaves, so need to focus the effort there.

For reference:
 * log files devpad:/srv/*
 * look for "Starting templates" and "Template generation job" to find relevant messages, eg.

2011-10-11 20:44:46+0000 [QueryProtocol,client] Starting templates build trunk-4883603 for lp:eog.
2011-10-11 20:47:31+0000 [QueryProtocol,client] Templates generation job trunk-4883603 for lp:eog finished with status PACKAGEFAIL.