Comment 0 for bug 81692

Revision history for this message
Matt Zimmerman (mdz) wrote :

It sometimes happens that a well-intentioned community member responds inappropriately to a bug filed by a developer. For example, by rejecting the bug, or asking for additional information when the problem is well understood by the relevant developers.

To address this and related problems, I propose the following:

When displaying the names of people in a bug context, if they (are a member of a team which) holds an official role within the project, the emblem of that team should be displayed with their name. For example, teams with upload privileges to the distribution containing a package (for distro bugs), or bug contacts for the product, package or distro.

This would make their role clear to anyone looking at the bug, and help to lend authority to their statements, without the problem of cluttering the display with all of the user's emblems (many of which might not be relevant).