Comment 1 for bug 798759

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Curtis Hovey (sinzui) wrote :

Conistent display of tangential links

We want to do a UI test to discover a better want to convey tangential links. By tangential I mean links that are provide details take you focus from the current task. There are two types of tangential link in Launchpad that I know of
    * Off-site links that will take you away from Launchpad
    * A digressive link to a Launchpad page that takes you away from
      a task that does not loose what you have done

Off-site links are blue and use a globe icon. They use rel="nofollow" to tell robots to ignore them. However not all off-site links have a globe. Comments often contain offsite links that do not have a globe.

Digressive links are green or blue and they open a new window to ensure you can return to your task. However, green means the action will not take you away from your current view. Green and opening a new window are contradictory. Blue is scary because every experienced Launchpad user knows it will leave the form you have spent 5 minutes to enter data. Everyone can see this ambiguities in the list of similar bugs shown you you report a new bug. The "view this bug" link will never be followed by a user that has spent 5 minutes uploading apport data. I have read the implementation of the link, but my distrust is so deep that I always use key commands to ensure link opens another window. Beta tests can see a green version of the green "detail..." when choosing a person from a picker. We want a blue link with iconic and textual information to explain a new window will be opened.