Comment 0 for bug 795180

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

1. Go to a bug report subscriptions page, e.g. <>.
2. Choose "receive all emails about this bug".
3. Choose "only receive email when this bug is closed".

What you see:
1. Three options: "receive all emails about this bug", "receive all emails about this bug except comments", "only receive email when this bug is closed".
2. Four completely different options: "mute all emails from this bug", "stop receiving comments from this bug", "only receive email when this bug is closed", "unsubscribe from this bug".
3. One option changes places, another changes its name, a third disappears, and one of the original options returns: "mute all emails from this bug" and "unsubscribe from this bug", then "receive all emails about this bug" and "receive all emails about this bug except comments".

What you should see: To be understandable and visually stable, the options should be presented in such a way that selecting one does not change the presence, position, or wording of the others.

There are, probably, several ways this could be fixed. This is *one possibility* for how the options could be presented:

    Mail me when:
    (*) Changed or commented on
    ( ) Changed
    ( ) Closed
    ( ) Never

Someone who is subscribed to one or more of the bug targets for this bug report could have an extra "Default" option, showing their default subscription for the chattiest of this bug report's targets:

    Mail me when:
    (*) Default (Changed)
    ( ) Changed or commented on
    ( ) Changed
    ( ) Closed
    ( ) Never

These options could even be presented in a <select> menu on the bug report page itself, avoiding the need for a separate +subscriptions page altogether.