Comment 1 for bug 772000

Revision history for this message
Francis J. Lacoste (flacoste) wrote :

I'd argue for a Won't fix here.

There is significant draw-backs to doing this.

We would create a huge number of inactive profile for spammers. Given the prevalence of spam on the Internet, the ratio of legitimate non-LP users post to potential is probably something like 1 to 1000 or more.

For the same reasons, the moderation of mailing lists would become very tedious. Just contrast the moderation duties of Launchpad-based mailing lists to ubuntu/canonical hosted one.

The design of Launchpad mailing list was built on minimizing the annoyances related to spam.

Likewise, the reason we are not sending notifications to discarded is again because the huge majority of these bounces would either be to dead-end address or to people who didn't send the original email in the first place.

Spam sucks.