Comment 0 for bug 770342

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Matthew Revell (matthew.revell) wrote :

I tried muting and then unmuting on two bugs.

The first bug [1] I had a structural subscription only and tried this on staging. When I unmuted, I was given a dialogue box with the heading "Subscribe to bug". This confused me and made me doubt what I thought muting was all about.

My understanding was that I was already subscribed, albeit indirectly, and that muting the bug did not alter the fact of my subscription. Now, the overlay's heading talks about subscribing to a bug and the second option asks if I want to unmute the bug and subscribe to it.

This does not make sense. I know I am already subscribed to the bug as I have to be subscribed in order to mute/unmute it. It's asking me if I want to unmute the bug (to unmute I have to be subscribed) and at the same time it is asking if I want to subscribe (which I have to be for it to be able to ask if I want to unmute).

I'd suggest:

 * change the heading "Unmute this bug"
 * change the second option to "unmute this bug and subscribe directly"
 * add a help link or a line of explanatory text to remind the user of the difference between a direct and an indirect sub.

I had a similar experience with a bug to which I was directly subscribed, by virtue of being its reporter, [2] on production.

I expected that clicking "unmute" would return me to whatever I had before. Instead, I got a "Subscribe to bug" overlay (even more confusing for a bug that I'm directly subscribed to) and the option to unmute the bug or unmute and subscribe to it, along with the various new event options.

I can see the benefit in being able to review my subscription to this bug and confirm which events I'd like to trigger an email. However, as I'm the bug's reporter it just seems odd to ask me subscribe again.

I wondered if this could be caused by my being the reporter and not someone who had clicked "Subscribe". While that would still be the wrong behaviour, I believe, it seemed a possibility. But no, I subscribed directly, muted the bug and then when I unmuted I got the "Subscribe to bug" overlay again and it seemed even stranger this time.

I running Chromium 10.0.648.205 (81283) Ubuntu 10.10

I'm marking this as Critical because I believe this could lead to severe confusion and so devalue an otherwise excellent feature.

1. bug 674422
2. bug 770293