Comment 1 for bug 720147

Revision history for this message
Gary Poster (gary) wrote :

Hi Gavin.

I just tried to dupe your report but could not.

I'm going to mark this incomplete. Could you review these options?

 - Since your report and now, perhaps we've fixed the problem incidentally. Do you still get the unexpected emails?

 - As you know, subscriptions are unioned to determine what notifications you receive. It may well be that you have additional subscriptions to Launchpad that you didn't expect. I think you can check this (even though you are not currently in the group to get all features) if you go to When I go to that page, I see that I am subscribed via a Launchpad Bug Contacts subscription to *all* changes. I bet you are too. After the next db-devel rollout, you'll be able to opt-out of this team subscription, and then you might get the behavior you desire. Even now, you can also look at your emails to double-check this: "filters" (we don't call them filters in our UI actually but subscriptions) that have names and that trigger an email to be sent will be named in the headers ("X-Launchpad-Subscription: Triage") and in the email body ("Matching subscriptions: Triage"). You should be able to confirm that only the emails matching the filter have the "Triage" name.

 - Perhaps I did not duplicate your problem correctly. I include my replication steps below. Could you review them?

Thank you



1) For convenience, verify that you get the new features. Go to and make sure that these rules, or something like them, are in place. Note that <email address hidden>:test has the necessary privileges to do this, probably among other sampledata users.

malone.advanced-structural-subscriptions.enabled default 1 yes
malone.advanced-subscriptions.enabled default 1 yes

2) Set up a project that has the subscriptions set up as you describe. I set up the firefox project to work as you described, and verified via the +subscriptions page of the bug I was going to modify ( that everything was as I expected. Note that this bug matches the "Triage" filter initially.

3) I ran "cronscripts/ -vv" to clear out pending notifications.

4) I added a comment on bug 1 that I expected to receive as a notification, as a control.

5) I changed the status of bug 1 to be Confirmed. It now no longer matched the filter.

6) I added another comment that I hoped to not receive, because it did not match the filter.

7) I waited 3-5 minutes for the notification code to be willing to send the mail (well, actually, first I ran, and when I didn't get any emails at all I remembered I had to wait).

8) I ran "cronscripts/ -vv" again and examined the output. would have received the first notification, but not the second. The new header and body text I described above about the filter name was there. It looked good.