Comment 2 for bug 660695

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Aaron Bentley (abentley) wrote :

<dobey> abentley: interesting. i see that as well on another branch i tried. and yet another i tried, has the right branch format, but still says KnitPack6
<abentley> dobey: you mean, you just created a new branch in KnitPack6, upgraded it, and it's showing the wrong data?
<dobey> abentley: no, i found a branch already on lp which i already owned, which was in the old format, and upgraded it
<abentley> dobey: but you upgraded it just now? Okay, maybe it's something to do with the format.
<dobey> yes
<dobey> abentley: it seems that things that are already BranchFormat7, exhibit the issue of showing the old Repository format info
<abentley> dobey: aha!
<dobey> abentley: and BranchFormat6 branches seem to always show BranchFormat6, but the Repository format gets updated