Comment 0 for bug 620248

Revision history for this message
Steven Sheehy (steven-sheehy) wrote : Recipe built duplicate package

Recipe build at failed due to trying to upload a package that already exists. However, I did not request this build and I doubt anyone else knows about this recipe to request a build since it's only on edge. So first issue is did this get kicked off by some launchpad process or was it requested by a user? If the latter it's no problem, if the former then why was it started if there was no code changes?

Regardless of how it got initiated, it still shouldn't have built a package at all since there were no code changes to the associated branch. Since I use the bzr revno in the package title (and no date) it failed when trying to upload the package since I have a package for the revision already. But at the very least it should've failed before building while checking for branch changes.