Comment 22 for bug 608631

Revision history for this message
Данило Шеган (danilo) wrote :

There are a big number of "problematic" characters. FWIW, even quotes might need explanation for some languages (i.e. Serbian uses two styles officially, yet translations usually go with only one). This is something that is explained in the translation style guide, linked from the top of translation pages. Just like sometimes you'd want to have explanation on why you are using certain terminology. If we put it alll on the translation page, it would be too crowded.

My browser is also fine, and it uses a monospace font which has a NNBSP and renders it as a full width space because it _is_ a _monospace_ font. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

The reasons why it's "won't fix" for now are explained above. I've also described how you can make some progress towards it not being "won't fix", and Nicolas seems to understand the reasons (and is doing something about it). Just posting numerous unrelated comments won't help. Also, the wider the scope, the less chances there are that it will be fixed. So, please keep this bug about NNBSP support.

Please try to be more civil in your communication. Thank you.