Comment 0 for bug 590751

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote : Edge timeout error message is unhelpful

1. Go to <>.
2. In the "Our edge server has a lower timeout threshold…" box, click the "Disable redirection for 2 hours" button.

What you see:

1. The heading "Timeout error", followed by the text: "Our edge server has a lower timeout threshold than, so we can catch those [sic] before they hit a wider audience. If this is blocking your work and you are a member of the Launchpad Beta Testers team, you can disable automatic redirection to edge in order to use"
2. An alert saying "You will not be redirected to the beta site for 2 hours"

What you should see:
1. On any edge page that times out, the description of what's wrong should appear *before* the suggestion of how to avoid the problem.
2. Clicking the button should immediately redirect you to the non-edge equivalent of the same page -- in this case, <>.