Comment 12 for bug 567004

Revision history for this message
Deryck Hodge (deryck) wrote : Re: Need way to flag 'minor-change' changes

Hi, wgrant.

My thoughts are similar to Martin's here on this. Just to be clear, though, I'm suggesting these options be added so that *users* can make this decision. I'm not suggesting Launchpad automatically hide API activity or anything like that. Ultimately, I think this would work best if done per client, i.e. I can turn off script A that expires bugs but leave notices from script B that adds tags and updates bug titles. I think initially the notification setting for this would have to be per project rather than per client, but with an email header, one could choose to receive notices from all clients but then filter according to client.

As Bryce says, we need a sane default, which I think includes API client activity, but we need to make the system as flexible as possible for users who don't care to know about scripted activity on a bug.
