Comment 0 for bug 55113

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Robert Collins (lifeless) wrote : ccing a person in mail to malone should subscribe them to the bugs affected.

09:28 < lifeless> do you think, that if I send an email to new-bugs,
cc'd to $person, malone would be sane in subscrbing $person
09:30 < lifeless> be^
09:30 < lifeless> bradb: ^
09:30 < bradb> lifeless: I don't know that there's a correct answer to
that question, but it would probably be more sane than not.
09:30 < lucasvo> lifeless: in that case I would add a header to the
first email LP sends to $person that he has been subscribed because....
09:30 < bradb> Roundup does that, I believe.

 affects /products/malone

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