Comment 0 for bug 50699

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Kurt Kraut (kurtkraut) wrote : Launchpad should be free software (free as freedom)

Launchpad is a good project but stills a bad tools.

It is buggy, crashy and a lot of features are missing. As a member of a few teams, I'm unable to complete the majority of my tasks and I feel a huge lack of opportunities of tasks that could/should be done with Launchpad.

This could be easly solved by publishing the Launchpad source code under a free software license like GPL. So everyone would be able to enhance Launchpad, add more feature as fast as our needs of a integrated enviroment for developing grows.

Besides that, as Ubuntu is 'free and always will be' we expect as soon as possible that Launchpad, an essencial tool for Ubuntu developing, should be free too.

Most of the FUD raised about Ubuntu and Canonical (like Mandriva did for instance) are based in the fac of non-free Lacunhpad, so it should be fixed as soon as possible.

I do know that this is already planned, but a schedule, with a deadline, so Canonical will state clearly o the community the intention of turning LP in free software.