Comment 8 for bug 458200

Revision history for this message
Michael Nelson (michael.nelson) wrote :

The current logic used on the person view - and inherited for the team view is (from IPersonView.should_show_ppa_section):

display the ppa portlet if:
  1. The current user has edit permission on the person/team (ie. to enable ppa activation), or
  2. The person/team has at least one public ppa

This logic makes sense for person, but not for a team where members do *not* necessarily have edit permission for the team - and the team does not have a public PPA.

So the fix should be as simple as moving the (1) condition above to the actual ppa activate link within the portlet, and simplifying the above logic to:

display the ppa portlet if:
  1. The current user has permission to view any of the PPAs.