Comment 16 for bug 435905

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Grondr (grondr) wrote :

Um. If you could please look at Bug #752197, you'll find that all the intervening discussion has wandered off into the weeds and completely missed the point of that bug, of which I was the OP some six months ago. That bug was very simple---don't have the default text box into which I am typing this comment right now be -wider- than the way you render the text I'm typing. That guarantees ugly, unreadable wrapping, -and- since I can't preview how it'll appear, I'm forced to guess (or carefully count characters) every single time I type in a comment or it'll look bad. (For this particular comment, I typed it directly into the box with no hard returns except for paragraph breaks, so maybe it'll be autowrapped correctly, but in general I yank text in from Emacs and then it's got hard returns that then cause the wrapping to malfunction due to the mismatch. See also my comment in that bug about how itemized lists don't get wrapped at all and hence overflow when rendered.)

And fixing -that- seems much, much more straightforward than complicated markup and all that. It just means making the typein box and the renderer agree with each other. But since that bug got merged with this one, and this one wandered off into the weeds, it's looking like that really easy fix is just never going to happen. I've had several other bugs take the same route through Launchpad, btw---report a relatively simple thing, have it discussed to death across several releases, and eventually buried by "we'll write a new piece of software because we won't make the easy fix" [which in several cases would have been to -revert- some misguided code]. And then it dies, because no one ever gets around to writing the new thing (if the new thing even solves the original problem, which in some cases it can't). I'd file a bug report on the process itself, but...

*sigh* I don't file enough bug reports that this is going to ruin my day, but I do hope that it'll get fixed someday. Thanks.