Comment 0 for bug 433875

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

1. Go to a bug report that has duplicates, e.g. bug 423525.
2. Look for the information about what duplicates it has.

What you see:
    Mark as duplicate (This bug
    has 1 duplicate)
    (+) Convert to a question
    (+) Link a related branch
    (+) Link to _CVE_
    Duplicates of this bug
    * Bug 429992

This is redundant: there are two bits of text devoted to telling you the raw fact that the bug report has duplicates, when one could do the job. It is also surprisingly badly laid out: the two elements discussing duplicates are separated by two borders and by irrelevant links about linking branches and CVEs.

One way of fixing this would be:
    This report has 1 duplicate:
    * Bug 429992