Comment 7 for bug 4201

Revision history for this message
Björn Tillenius (bjornt) wrote : Re: [Bug 4201] Bugs with NeedInfo status should be displayed on open bugs query.

On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 07:23:48PM -0000, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> Public bug report changed:
> Comment:
> (CanWeStopWithTheInterCapsStatusesPlease?) I think it's fine as "Needs
> Info", because while the reporter is the most likely person to supply
> the necessary info, it might well come from someone else who experiences
> the same bug and is willing and able to do the necessary debugging.
> Anyway, that doesn't resolve this bug, which is that triagers and
> reporters should see "Needs Info" bugs by default, while developers
> probably should not.

I'm not clear exactly how you think that "Needs Info" should mean. I
think it should mean that the bug needs info from the reporter, or
someone like the reporter (i.e. not a developer). Do you agree with
that? If so, how do we make that clear, so that a developer or triager
doesn't think "Oh, this needs input from Stuart as a DBA", leaves a
comment indicating this, sets it to "Needs Info", and thus removing the
bug from Stuart's default list? I've already seen this happen,
developers asking other developers how to solve a bug and changing the
status to NeedInfo. They aren't expecting the reporter or someone with
the same problem to give more information.

BTW, why do you say that triagers should see "Needs Info" bugs by
default? My guess is that triagers would be the ones that would set the
bugs to this status. Although I might understand how you think, the
reporter isn't likely to change the status from "Needs Info" after
giving the information, someone else has to do it. To solve that, maybe
we could do something like showing all the "Needs Info" bugs that
someone has commented on after the status was set. But I'm not quite
sure how that would work.