Comment 1 for bug 399415

Revision history for this message
Jeroen T. Vermeulen (jtv) wrote :

Notes from call with mwhudson:
 * This may be the first LP script that writes to branches. As if DirectBranchCommit wasn't breaking enough new ground...
 * lp-hosted is acessible only from the code-hosting server, so that's where the script must run.
 * The script may need to call requestMirror (sp?) after writing to a hosted branch.
 * Need to set up a server created by get_multi_server(write_hosted=True). Tear it down after use.
 * There may be problems with stacked branches, which will become a lot more popular with bzr 2.0.
 * Instead of, say BranchMirrorer(HostedBranchPolicy(), None, None).open(self.db_branch.getPullURL())
 * Various parts of the codehosting stuff we use here need refactoring.