Comment 0 for bug 394836

Revision history for this message
Barry Warsaw (barry) wrote :

With the new guided project registration workflow, we no longer ask about external links to project information (sf page, wiki page, download page, etc). This is good because it let us create a project quickly, and that information can still be edited on the project's +edit page.

In discussions with Martin, we thought it better to encourage people to use Launchpad rather than emphasize external links. Therefore while we'll ask for this information in a popup/overlay, this is not high priority work. It's mostly there so we can get rid of the details +edit page for js browsers.

Martin's suggestion for the ui is as follows:

Wiki URL: (/)
(+) Add external link

Clicking on the pencil (/) icon brings up an enhanced inline edit widget such as:

Wiki URL: [http://wiki.example.com______] (v)(x)(-)

(v) is the checkmark
(x) is cancel
(-) is delete (same as blanking the field and accepting)

Clicking on (+) brings up a choice box to select one of the 6 fields to add.