Comment 6 for bug 28682

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Christian Reis (kiko) wrote : Re: [Bug 28682] Filing a bug: source package doesnt exist, suggestion list doesn't accept input

On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 09:30:04PM -0000, Björn Tillenius wrote:
> That sounds like a bad idea, I think it will annoy a lot of people.

Right; that's why I suggested AJAX. I was thinking of this in
combination with a selector that allowed you to indicate clearly you
didn't know (or didn't want to specify) a package name.

> Why not change the vocabulary, so that only published packages will be
> included?

That's an alternative I hadn't considered. We could do that, and the
user would have to either choose the right one or give up. I wonder why
Brad didn't use this approach when implementing the binarypackagename
bug-filing feature. Do you know?
Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125