Comment 0 for bug 284281

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

1. Go to <>.

What you see:

    = Blueprints for 1.8 =

    ( Register a blueprint )

    Launchpad lets projects track the features they intend to implement over the next few
    releases. We call each feature proposal a "blueprint", and it can be a single
    paragraph placeholder for the idea, or a full-blown development specification. Once a
    blueprint is in Launchpad, we can generate reports of the project roadmap, as well as
    notifying interested developers of blueprint status changes. It's a great way to build
    a small community around an idea, feature or proposal.

    You can also use this sytem for release management, identifying the specific feature
    goals of any major release and then tracking your progress towards completion of all
    of those goals. Currently, no blueprints have been proposed as feature goals for 1.8.
    You can invite members of your community to nominate blueprints as feature goals for
    1.8 and then your project drivers can decide if they will accept those goals.

    For example, you can see the planned goals and the final (or current) status of those
    goals for each of these Ubuntu releases: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, Ubuntu 6.10 and Ubuntu 7.04.

    Anybody can register a blueprint, but only the drivers can make the decision as to
    whether that proposal is accepted for a meeting or a release.

    In this case, the drivers are:

        * Martin Pool

    If you are interested in understanding the Blueprints tracker in more detail then you
    should take a look at the system documentation, where you can learn the best practices
    for effective community building and release management with Launchpad.

        * Read more about tracking blueprints

Unfortunately this is so much text that it's not obvious why the page doesn't list any blueprints.

What you should see:

    None of the _52 blueprints for Bazaar_ are targeted to series 1.8.

    To get a blueprint targeted for 1.8, contact the series driver, _Martin Pool_.

Or (depending on the outcome of bug 275930):

    None of the _52 blueprints for Bazaar_ are targeted to series 1.8.

    To get a blueprint targeted for 1.8, choose “Propose as goal” from the blueprint page.