Comment 10 for bug 252368

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Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

Development of new features as escalated by the Ubuntu stakeholders has indeed stopped quite completely. We had several features requested by Ubuntu on LP's roadmap last year, all of which were ended late last year when the LP teams were refocused onto other project, with no plans at all that I am aware of to restart those or add any new ones. I have no plans to propose any new features for escalation at this time. I'm surprised there's any controversy on this at all.

As far as bug escalations go, contrary to what Robert says, the maintenance was reduced from two teams to one late last year. When this happened, the WIP limit was likewise reduced. But the queue size was (and is) larger than that limit, so even as bugs get fixed, no new bug escalations will be accepted until it's dropped below that limit. Robert is correct that the only way to get it on the bug escalation list is to bump another bug. Yet even so, escalated bugs get fixed only very occasionally; it used to be we'd see 5-10 bugs fixed per quarter, but I think only 3-4 escalated bugs have been fixed the past three quarters since the staffing change. Effectively, stakeholder escalation is blocked.

The only alternative I know of is for another team to "send a patch". As I understand it, you would also be required to submit a second patch to retire tech debt (i.e. delete some lines). Maybe that requirement is waived on stakeholder escalations, I don't know. Judging from the recent work on blueprints and some of Colin's work, this is IMHO the only feasible way to get things into launchpad these days.