Comment 0 for bug 249129

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

A person's "50[1] Most[2] recently uploaded" PPA packages are listed in the "Related Software" section of their profile, for example <>. Separately, they are listed in the "Personal Package Archive" section of their profile, for example <>. This is confusing duplication.

One way of fixing this would be for the "Packages {person} maintains" section of the "Related Software" page to end with a cross-reference to "See also _{person}'s {count} PPA packages_", if there are any. If they don't maintain any packages, the text could be of the form "{person} doesn't maintain any distribution packages Launchpad knows about, but they do have _{count} PPA packages_."

Another way of fixing this would be to merge the "Related Software" and "Personal Package Archive" sections somehow.