Comment 3 for bug 239864

Revision history for this message
Tim Penhey (thumper) wrote :

There was the explicit design decision not to send implicit emails, but instead to implicitly subscribe the branch owner (although it has been argued that we should subscribe only the branch registrant), and that way the owner can unsubscribe if they really don't want to get emails. One of the fields that can be set for a branch subscription is the amount of code review email the subscriber wants.

Any subscriber that has asked to get code review email for a branch will get an email when the subscribed branch is either the source or target branch for a merge proposal.

The current line of thinking is that the best way to ensure that you get the emails is to subscribe to the trunk branch of the project (or the main branch that is being targetted), and specify that you want all code review emails.

  1) Being done, and should be in 2.1.9 (bug 242642)
  2) Also being looked at, but is dependant on some other email work we have in the pipeline. I expect this to be done before the end of this year. One implementation right now is to teach launchpad about merge directives. I'll leave the details to your imagination right now as things are in flux :-)