Comment 0 for bug 225

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Christian Reis (kiko) wrote : Navigation and listing summary text are confusing.

If you run a listing of bugs, you get back text that reads like:

  displaying matching bugs 1 to 20 of 185

This, combined with the fact that the bug list below shows numbered bugs, produces a pretty confusing image to the end user. I have a couple of suggestions.

a) The paging mechanism and the count and position of bugs in the listing are likely to be a bit related; I wonder if placing them closer together and using something like

  Currently displaying 20 bugs (out of 185 total bugs) << < Page 8 > >>
        (( Change number of bugs displayed ))

would improve things somewhat. Perhaps mpt has a better idea.

b) Just changing the text, perhaps omitting the bug position numbers (21 to 40, etc) could improve things somewhat.