Comment 0 for bug 209452

Revision history for this message
Robert Collins (lifeless) wrote :
  • unnamed Edit (189 bytes, application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc)

 affects launchpad

So, bug 114605, which is a dup of 205887, was in the distant past set as
a task on baz1x, which was wrong. It was marked invalid there, and a new
task set on network-manager (correctly). However, changes to the bug
result in mail the baz1x maintainers.

Several UI issues cropped up recently with this. I'll get into them in a
second, but for now, to stop getting mails, I've made the baz1x task
into a malone task; that way the malone devs get the mails :).

 - couldn't change the task on bug 114605 while it was a dup of 205887,
which only matters because the mail system notifies based on *both* bug
's details and bug 114605's details. If we use data from a bug to
change system behaviour, users need to be able to change the bug to
garden that data.
 - bug mail was being sent through the bug's duplicates details; this is
not obvious to users, bug 151101 talks about this
 - there is no way to delete (as opposed to marking invalid) the
relationship with 'baz1x' which was _never_ relevant for the bug. I
suggest there is a difference between 'we considered X and its not
relevant for this bug' and 'someone added a task by mistake'. The latter
is the case here.


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