Comment 2 for bug 1926431

Revision history for this message
Colin Watson (cjwatson) wrote (last edit ):

The readthedocs maintainers have unfortunately nacked the idea of supporting Launchpad's webhook format in I'm not thrilled about that, but there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it.

So, what else is possible? We should probably expect to run into similar problems with other services, so maybe we need to consider some kind of custom webhook payload facility? For example, if you could specify something like a Jinja template into which you could substitute variables from the normal payload, then you could say something like this (rough sketch):

  {"branches": "{{ref_changes.keys()}}", "token": "fixed token you got from readthedocs"}

Of course Jinja may not be quite the right tool to use for generating JSON, but hopefully you get the idea. And we might need to cope with different branch naming conventions (e.g. whether the leading `refs/heads/` is supposed to be present or not).