Comment 0 for bug 1820677

Revision history for this message
Anton Shepelev (ant222) wrote :

I find it a nuisance that the latest revision of the main branch in not easily downloadable as a single archive. For many small and simple projects this is a sufficient release model, saving the developer the creation and upload of a source archive after every update of the source. In Github, for example, this function is within two clicks for the project's title page:

1. Click "Clone or Download",
2. Click "Download ZIP".

In Launchpad, however, merely to browser the Git source the user has to:

1. Click on the "Code" tab,
2. Click "Browse the code",
3. Click "Tree".

This path is longer and less obvious. Some visitors simply fail to find it, forcing the developer manually to manage source archives in parallel with the repository, whereas the system can do it for automatically.