Comment 3 for bug 172780

Revision history for this message
Jeroen T. Vermeulen (jtv) wrote :

Just some notes:

Such "double counting" would have to show up as an overlap between the current-count and the rosetta-count. (The two are added up to form the translated-count). There's an "AND NOT EXISTS"-style clause in the rosetta-count code that excludes messages that have an imported equivalent (which would already be included in in current-count). That clause is quite similar to the "WHERE" clause for current-count. So my impression is that this kind of overlap doesn't happen.

The most noticeable difference between the conditions for inclusion in current-count and exclusion from rosetta-count is that current-count includes only complete messages, whereas rosetta-count looks for imported ones that have _at least one_ plural form translated. But I think that's correct, since an incomplete translation doesn't really belong in the translated-count anyway.