Comment 0 for bug 1544064

Revision history for this message
Eugene San (eugenesan) wrote :

There seems to be a problem with binary packages cleanups mechanism.
Both PPAs and main archive are affected.
Till now I've found only two examples but I am afraid the issue is wide spread.

Example#1 (Main archive):
Package: dcmtk
Source: 3.6.1~20150924-4
Binaries: 3.6.1~20150924-5 and 3.6.0-15.1
Result: aeskulap FTBFS since they both provide libdcmtk2-dev and the older one is incompatible. As result the package was mistakenly removed from archive while it is perfectly fine.

Example#2 (PPA):
Package: xf86-input-cmt (
Source: 2.0.6-13ubuntu2~eugenesan~xenial4
Binaries: 2.0.6-13ubuntu2~eugenesan~xenial4 and 2.0.6-13ubuntu2~eugenesan~trusty3
Result: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-lts-vivid is available in the archive while no longer provided by latest source.