Comment 0 for bug 154197

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Bug 153962 is an example of someone reporting a bug about nonsense/offensive translations. Whether or not this case is genuine, it probably isn't the first and won't be the last.

Currently, there is no easy way for people to raise the alarm about inappropriate translations. They can report bugs, but may forget to give the specific example, or be unwilling to if it is obscene. And such bug reports will go to the project's QA staff rather than its official translators.

Bug 45419 is about a general mechanism for reporting inappropriate contributions, and having admins deal with those reports. This bug is about the application of that general mechanism, once it is implemented, to translations in particular. It would differ from the usual case, in that inappropriate translations would be dealt with more often by a project's official translators (once bug 52805 was fixed), rather than by Launchpad admins.